Earth Simulator (Link)


This is a short, simplified planetary climate simulator I made for Earth Day. Unfortunately, I had a fever when I was making the project, so it’s very barebones and lacking in features. Still, I might expand upon it when I have time(see Plans for the Future).


There are three parameters you can adjust to change your planet’s climate in this game: temperature, atmospheric pressure, and water amount.

However, these are hidden by default, though you can display them in the settings(gear icon). I plan to make the base game more centered around altering the planet through various tools instead of simply sliding parameters. These tools are right now only limited to an asteroid and planetesimal/small dwarf planet, but I plan to flesh it out more.

You can also switch the terrain of the planet between four different types: “terr1”, “terr2”, “Earth”(of course), and “Venus”. These make the surface of the planet have different patterns and colors. You can do this(as well as change the color of the terrain) by pressing the “Change Terrain” button.

If your planet has just the right parameters, it can start to develop life! Five consecutive stages of life development will be shown if life is present, with extensive vegetation appearing on the fourth. If this proves too tedious or unappealing for you, there’s also an option for simplified life simulation that just applies the vegetation once habitability conditions are met.

Plans for the Future

Since I wasn’t able to add many features during the initial release, I’m planning to add additional features to the simulation, like:

-More parameters to change, like planetary radius, composition, and potentially more

-New terrain skins

-Fleshing out the default(tool-centered) mode

-Possibly adding material compositions?

You can go to the project if you have any ideas for Earth Simulator!


Platformer Pack


Growing Goo (Part 1)