<Mass (in Earth masses)><Semi-major axis(distance) in AU(can be omitted for moons or other close-in objects)>
Object: Description
<>< au> :
Exists(real/alternate name) Unchanged
… <large amounts of objects
The Sol System
<0.997 mSun><N/A> Sol(Sun): Slightly cooler and smaller(and therefore longer-lived) than its real counterpart.
<N/A><0.287 au> Apollonian Belt: Belt of metal-rich asteroids and dwarf planets.
<0.008><0.276 au> Vulcan: Iron-rich dwarf planet in Apollonian Belt. Has a few scattered lava lakes. Landforms named after gods of fire and the forge, with craters named after inventors and engineers.
<0.012><0.388 au> Hermes: Dwarf planet similar to our moon, with an orbit similar to our Mercury.
<0.08><0.322 au> Apollo(Mercury): Closer to Sol, and tidally locked to it. Orbit more circular. Has large lava lakes on its dayside and a thin atmosphere similar to that of Venus. Has multiple dwarf planets in its asteroid belt. Has landforms named after sun gods, with craters named after poets and artists.
<0.834><0.731 au> Venus: Farther from Sol, and a bit more massive from a larger iron core. Has small seas of high-pressure water and a cooler and thinner atmosphere.The Venusian atmosphere is at 9 atm and composed of 80% N2, 14% CO2,5%H2O, and 1%O2 and others. Rotational period sped up to 31 hours.
Eros: Captured by Venus, mostly unchanged.
Anteros: Asteroid moon similar to Eros
<1><1 au> Earth: N/A
<0.0124> Luna(Moon): Slightly more massive and richer in volatiles.
<0.112><1.41 au> Mars: More massive and robust. Has a few lakes of slushy water, a more active magnetic field(causing frequent auroras)and a thicker atmosphere.
Cycnos Ring
Phobos: More cratered, smaller
Deimos: N/A
Bellona: Third asteroid moon, twice as large as our Phobos
<N/A><2.64 au> Asteroid Belt: Slightly smaller and denser.
<0.0002><2.82 au> Ceres: Slightly more massive, orbits farther
<308.8><5.62 au> Jupiter: Slightly less massive, orbits farther from Sol
Alcmene: Moon similar to Ganymede.
<0.059> Themis: Cold terrestrial moon similar to our Mars, but with much larger ice caps. Has an atmosphere of 0.05 atm, composed of 79% CO2, 13% N2, 6% Ar, and 2% others. It has the tallest mountain in the solar system(Orthys Mons).
<97.21><10.15 au> Saturn: Slightly more massive, farther. Titan renamed to “Tethys”, Rhea renamed to “Hyperion”, Dione and Tethys renamed to “Krios” and “Koios”, and Hyperion renamed.
<0.006>Janus: Icy moon with half of its surface covered in tholins, similar to Iapetus. Has a thin ring.
<0.61><10.15 au> Rhea: “Super-titan” with a global hydrocarbon ocean. Trojan planet of Saturn. Four moons, including Dione.
<7.12*10^-5>Dione:Ice-rock moon similar to its Saturnian counterpart(renamed to “Koios”).
<27.19><15.2 au> Aion: Gas giant akin to a hybrid between Saturn and Caelus. Has prominent rings and 31 moons, 12 of which are round.
<2.81><17.84 au> Dionysus: Indigo super-earth with a thick atmosphere. High levels of greenhouse gasses, combined with the immense atmospheric pressure and Maenad’s tidal forces, has allowed there to be a slushy ocean covering most of the planet. The composition of the ocean is a mix of ammonia and water, much like Caelus and Neptune. Due to the great weight of both the atmosphere and the global ocean, a thick layer of exotic ices has formed at the seafloor, deeper than even the ocean above. Despite the vast ocean, Dionysus is an unlikely prospect for life because of both the extreme pressure of the atmosphere and the thick layer of ice blocking nutrient-rich hydrothermal vents from mixing their contents with the greater ocean. Has 4 moons, 1 of which is round.
<0.07> Maenad: Very large Ganymede-like moon. The tidal pull of Dionysus has created subsurface oceans beneath its icy shell. Maenad’s tidal effects are boosted by its heavily elongated orbit. Since Maenad orbits in a retrograde direction to the other moons of Dionysus, many have theorized that it was captured by Dionysus early in the Solar System’s formation. Various landforms named after spirits and deities of drunkenness and revelry in mythology.
<14.53><22.8 au> Caelus(Uranus): N/A(has larger rings)
<17.15><32.4 au> Neptune: N/A
<N/A><46 au> Kuiper Belt: Denser
<23.11><51 au> Hecate: Very large ice giant, recently captured by Sol. Will likely leave the solar system soon or move inwards. Has 7 known moons.